Computer Science and Electrical Engineering

I'm a software engineer with experience developing for real-time and embedded systems. My background is in electrical engineering and computer science.

I enjoy developing new products, and have worked on successful launches in different industries. I enjoy the challenges of shipping features and keeping devices in the field operational.

Languages, Platforms, Libraries, and Experience

The languages I have the most experience with are C/C++, Rust, and Python, but I'm also proficient in many others. This includes Go, Dart, and C#, and I'm always interested in learning new languages (Zig).

I'm comfortable with Windows/Linux/OSX, as well as developing on specialized hardware and new platforms.

Projects, Tutorials, Articles, and Photography

I maintain several open source projects on Github, and am always searching for new ideas and projects to share with the world. Some of my popular projects include:

PySceneDetect (

DVR-Scan (

Want more information?

For more information about me, my professional activities, or the website itself, visit the About page for more details. For the latest project updates, posts, tutorials, or articles, keep scrolling down, or visit the Posts page.

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Latest Articles, Blogs, and Posts

A collection of the most recent updates to the Brandon Catellano website, including any new technical articles, blog posts, and other posts related to project or software updates.


on September 28, 2017

Triclysm Project Overview See the Triclysm project on Github at the following URL: Triclysm Previewer Triclysm Previewer (link) is a cross-platform application for developing, previewing, and streaming (via Ethernet or Wi-Fi) to a physical LED cube/voxel-based display. Cross-platform, written in C++, using SDL/OpenGL as a back-end, with Lua as the primary scripting language for animations. In the future, a rewrite is planned, utilizing Python for a majority of the code, and allowing it to be used for animation development as well.

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Scene Detection with Python and OpenCV, Part 2

on September 6, 2017

Part 2: Adaptive Threshold Detection This post is currently being migrated from the old location, click here to view the old one on The Wayback Machine.

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Scene Detection with Python and OpenCV, Part 1

on October 19, 2013

Part 1: Threshold/Fade-to-Black Detection This tutorial is currently being migrated from the old location. In the meantime, you can view the cached version of the previous, complete version on The Wayback Machine by clicking here. Thank you for your patience during this time. In the first part of this three-part tutorial, we will write a Python program, using the OpenCV library, to perform threshold-based scene detection, to determine the exact frames where scene transitions (fade ins/outs to/from black in this case) occur.

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How does word length affect the performance and operation of a CPU?

on October 17, 2012

About a year ago, I came across a question on Super User titled “How much faster is a 64-bit CPU than a 32-bit CPU?”, which was promptly closed and deleted since it’s a very open ended question. However, the author (a software developer) referred to benchmarks regarding system performance in 32-bit versus 64-bit. The purpose of this blog post is to investigate how the performance of a computer is affected, as a function of the word length.

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