
June 8, 2014



PySceneDetect is a command-line application and a Python library for detecting scene changes in videos, automatically splitting the video into separate clips. Not only is it free and open-source software (FOSS), but there are several detection methods available (see Features), from simple threshold-based fade in/out detection, to advanced content aware fast-cut detection.


Click here to download the latest release of PySceneDetect. Note that PySceneDetect is cross-platform, and is supported for Windows, Linux, and OSX.

The latest development version can be found at the PySceneDetect project page at Github


There is extensive documentation available for PySceneDetect on Read the Docs at This includes a getting started guide, examples, and an overview of the Python API. Note that while the Python API is still unstable, and subject to change in subsequent releases (this does not affect the main command-line program).

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